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The Life and Times of Vinnie Stravinski

Escalator hell

I think I’ve already written about how much I hate escalators. Scratch that. How much I hate people on escalators. Escalators were invented to move people quicker. They are not rides.

I have to take two escalators at the train station to get to my platform, and every evening, there are two types of people trying to get to their trains – people in a rush, and people not in a rush. Guess which one I am. So every evening, I’m speed walking through the station to catch my train, and I hit the escalators (there isn’t a staircase choice) and I have to impatiently stand on this slow moving escalator, because some people refuse to walk up or even stand aside.

It’s infuriating. I wish one day I could get the guts to yell up at the lazy bastards and say, “Come on people! Let’s start walking! This isn’t a ride!”

This evening, the most extraordinary thing happened that proves these people are just a herd of lazy zombies. I’m riding the escalator with about 50 other stationary people, when the thing starts to make a loud screeching noise and comes to a complete halt. I swear – we stood there for 2 whole seconds as people looked around, literally wondering what to do. 2 seconds! I actually saw a women, a few steps above me, mouth the words, “Oh no.”

Oh, no? “Oh shit! We’re trapped on an escalator!”

After 2 seconds, some rocket scientist at the top of the escalator figured out that he could probably walk the remaining two steps to the top, and eventually, the realization filtered down to the rest of the idiots.

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